Why the hell do we have an official music video? Beats the hell out of us, but it sure is cool.
Starring: Chris Miller, Matthew Goltz, Edward Higgins, Autumn Miller, And a whole bunch of other people that hang around. Running Time: 1:38 Format: 8mm Color Video Director: Chris Miller
Notes from: Chris 04/11/01 - I was bored and though I had plenty of other projects to
work on i decided to challenge myself to make a music video using only
the files found on my hard drive. Using the Polynesian Fertility dance
song as a base I built an audio background and introduction. I threw the
rest together in about an hour. viewers be warned, it looses a lot when
viewed in real player format and I think it will only be of interest to
people who know us or are in the video. Still, check it out as its running
time is only 1:38.